Tuning out the noise

Well, I am at week 38…. At most, I have 2 weeks to go before this Baby makes an appearance. I.Am.Ready! I want this baby out!

My advice during the last few weeks of pregnancy is to tune out everything everyone  says to you EXCEPT for two people:

  1. Yourself – Your body will tell you exactly what to feel and when to feel it. So trust your instincts, and follow your gut while making decisions.
  2. Your Doctor/Midwife – Obviously they are the experts, and they know best. So whatever they tell you is right, don’t argue, and listen!

Everyone else, is just noise. I have random people look at my belly and tell me that I’m carrying “too high” and the baby wont be coming anytime soon (Meanwhile my doctor told me he “dropped” or “engaged” over a week ago!)… and the comments get wackier and wackier as the due date approaches: You’re so big! You don’t look full term! You are waddling! You don’t look pregnant from the back! You are carrying too high! Your belly is so low! Eat spicy food! Stop drinking orange juice! You should be on bed rest! Make sure you are active till the last minute!….

It’s non-stop, and it’s very easy for all these comments to get to you… but try to tune it out, and focus on yourself and nothing else. Trust your body and your doctor/midwife. Women have been doing this for years, and you will be fine regardless of what you eat and what your belly looks like!