30 Day Challenge… “The Workout”

I have found a plan that will help me reach my healthy eating goals (aka  stupid diet and weight loss). Now, I can’t take credit for this plan. I did my research and found these at www.gymjunkies.com. I really think this is doable, so I’m going to try….

First, the workouts. There are only 6  Exercises to do in each workout: Squats, Lunges, Push Ups, Squat Jumps, Hop Scotch and Baby Burpees  (The  push ups may be done from the knees if you can’t do a regular pushup….guess which ones I will be doing?! And don’t be fooled by the “baby” in Baby Burpees….they are as bad as regular burpees!) Also, dont forget to warm up before each workout.

Workout A:

Squat: 25 reps or as many as possible before a rest is needed – which ever comes first.

Hop Scotch: 30 seconds of max effort.

Push Up: 25 reps or as many as possible before a rest is needed – which ever comes first.

Hop Scotch: 30 seconds of max effort.

Repeat cycle 4 – 8 rounds.

Workout B:

Baby Burpee: 30 seconds of work, 30 seconds of rest.

Repeat 4 – 12 times.

Workout C:

Lunge: 15 reps each leg or as many as possible.

Hop Scotch: 30 seconds.

Push Up: 25 reps or as many as possible.

Hop Scotch: 30 seconds.

Repeat cycle 4 – 8 rounds.

Workout D:

Squat Jump: 30 seconds of work, 30 seconds of rest.

Repeat 4 – 12 times.

Workout E:

Lunge: 10 reps each leg.

Baby Burpee: 10 reps.

Repeat 5 – 7 times.

Workout F:

Squat Jump: Max reps in 10 minutes. Rest as needed and keep track of the reps completed. Try to beat rep count each time this workout comes up.

Workout G:

Tabata Intervals of the following:  (A tabata is 20 seconds of one exercises (quick pace) followed by 10 seconds of rest.  You should do this for each exercise for 4 minutes.  Your entire workout will take 16 minutes.

Hop Scotch


Baby Burpee

Push Up


The workout routine for the 30 Day Challenge is as follows:

  DATE / WORKOUT:  28-Nov Workout A, 29-Nov Workout B, 30-Nov Workout C, 1-Dec Workout D, 2-Dec OFF, 3-Dec Workout E, 4-Dec Workout F, 5-Dec Workout G, 6-Dec OFF, 7-Dec Workout A, 8-Dec Workout B, 9-Dec Workout C, 10-Dec Workout D, 11-Dec OFF, 12-Dec  Workout E, 13-Dec Workout F, 14-Dec Workout G, 15-Dec OFF, 16-Dec Workout A, 17-Dec Workout B, 18-Dec Workout C, 19-Dec Workout D, 20-Dec Workout E, 21-Dec OFF, 22-Dec Workout F, 23-Dec Workout G, 24-Dec OFF, 25-Dec Workout A, 26-Dec Workout B, 27-Dec Workout C, 28-Dec Workout D.

Wish me Luck!

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